Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you think heavy music is very popularin japan?

(this pic is LoudPark 08)

Do you think heavy music is very popular in japan?
Our opinion is NO! too bad.

For example,in the last year's top 100 album sales chart,heavy music band is.

#13 B'Z "MAGIC" 435843 copies (Japaneses hard rock duo)
#34 GREEN DAY' "21 CENTURY BREAKDOWN" 219113 copies
#41 GLAY "GREAT VACATION VOL.2 SUPER BEST OF GLAY" 179639 copies (Japanese Visual-Kei band)
#51 THE HIATUS "TRASH WE'D LOVE" 161960 copies (Japanese Punk band)
#74 ACID BLACH CHERRY "Q.E.D." 110722 copies (Japanese Visual-Kei band)
#76 SID "hikari" 109501 copies (Japanese Visual-Kei band)
#97 VAMPS "VAMPS" 88927 copies (Japanese Visual-Kei band)
#100 HYDE "HYDE" 87160 copies (Japanese Visual-Kei band)

In Japanese sale chart,there are almost domestic pops ,r&b,rock(softrock,commercial band).
Heavy Music?? yes,,, only 8 bands in top 100 chart.
2 punk,1 hard rock,5 Visual-kei,No metal,No hardcore,No Emo.......
So it is difficult to find a friend who loves metal or hardcore.

Heavy music is not very popular in the sales chart,yes it's true.
Annual music festival LoudPark gets 18000 audience every time.
Dir En Grey got 18000 audience in 2days lives at Budokan on this year early(Budokan is the place The Beatles played at 1966)
X-Japan played at Tokyo-Dome(cap.50000)3 days 2years ago.

It is like that there is a very huge underground scene of Heavy Music in Japan.
Heavy Music is still alive well in Japan,We think.


  1. Hm. Interesting to see this take on heavy music in the Japanese industry. I have to agree with you in that it's pretty rare to see metal or Visual Kei releases consistently ranked high on the sales charts. As far as organized-popularity goes, it does seem like what makes the charts is Jpop and moderate-rock. It would appear that Visual Kei and heavy music has yet to crack that nut of the industry. Would you agree that, especially with the increase of over-seas popularity for many heavy/Visual Kei bands, that the "underground heavy music scene" will start rockin' the charts in the next few years?
    Somehow I think it wouldn't be a bad thing if the heavy-music scene stayed "underground".
    Thanks for the post!

  2. Thank you for your comment!!!
    I argree and hope your thought that "underground heavy music scene will start rockin' the charts in the next few years?"

    Since borning of Heavy Music,It's never been mainstream.But all Heavy Music Musician have talents differenting from Nuts musicians.

    I'll see it later!
